Open Signal's board will meet at Open Signal, with a virtual option through Zoom. The public is welcome to join the entirety of the meeting. Public comment will begin at 7:15pm PT. The agenda will be posted here ahead of the meeting.
We are asking our community members to submit comments in writing ahead of time so that we can ensure the right members of our team are able to review. This will allow us to respond to the best of our abilities during the public comment portion of our meetings, keep track of comments more easily, and have a record to follow up if there's anything we can't get to during our sessions. We ask that written comments be submitted by Wednesday, April 30th so that they may be included in our board packet. Submit your comments here: Community Comment Submission Form. There will still be opportunity to provide public comment.
To join, please join us at Open Signal or email info [at] for the Zoom link.