Winter 2024 Production Cohort Applications Open Now

November 09, 2023

Now is the time to dive into that project you've been thinking of! The Open Signal Production Cohort is open to individual media makers, teams and nonprofits interested in creating video work in a supportive learning environment. If you have a media project in the early stages or in progress and would like support in completing it, the cohort might be a good fit for you.

We offer training on video production, equipment kits for check-out, and biweekly check-ins with a facilitator based on your project needs. You’ll also get the invite to our cohort-specific meetups, where you’ll be able to share updates, find collaborators and learn with and from a community of folks who are actively at work on a project. 

This opportunity is also open to youth ages 14 to 17 — participants under the age of 16 must attend all trainings, meetings and gear checkouts with a guardian. 

We ask that applicants are Open Signal members and reside in the Portland Metro area. Applications are open November 9th through November 28th. The Winter cohort runs from January 4th to May 31st. 

If accepted into the program you commit to:

  • Attending all of the Tuesday and Thursday trainings between January 4th and January 25th from 6pm to 9pm. Trainings are mandatory to be certified on the equipment needed to complete your project. 
  • Submitting a 5- to 15-minute video at the end of the program for a screening on June 14th at Open Signal.

If you have any questions or need support in filling out the application, please reach out to Melissa Salazar, Open Signal Cohort Facilitator:     
(971) 500-0766

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